Day 1: The Rumbly in My Tumbly

Day one is in the bag.

I'm not sure if it's because I'm constantly thinking about food, planning food, working out calories, and resisting food I'm not allowing myself to have, but HOLY CRAP I have been hungry all freekin day. And it's not like I've been starving myself...I planned out three balanced meals, with healthy snacks every couple of hours. I just can’t shake the feeling that I'm starving. Every time I finished eating I felt as though I hadn't eaten at all, with the exception of dinner.

Right now I'm absolutely ravenous, and as a result I've locked myself up in my room for the night, far, far away from the kitchen. Late night eating is one of my greatest weaknesses.

Anyway, moving on to the positives!

I made it through the entire day without giving in even once, not one teeny tiny little bit. Today even involved a quick run thru the grocery store after work just before dinner time (which would typically be the time when I'd be loading up on all kinds of terrible food and snacks without even thinking twice about it). I even had a mini argument with myself on the way to the check out about how much I wanted to throw in the giant dairy milk bar (with toffee pieces!) into my basket. Ashleigh = 1, Chocolate = 0. I was really proud of myself for that. It would have been so easy to talk myself into eating the entire thing and just starting over again tomorrow, but I didn't and it feels great.

Dinner tonight was really yummy and super quick. I melted some low fat cream cheese, fat free sour cream, delicious chunky salsa and a tiny bit of chicken broth in a pan until it was a lovely gooey mess. Threw in a couple of chicken breasts and popped them in the oven to bake. The results were a tender, moist chicken breast in a cheesy, spicy bath of goodness. I served it with some brown/long grain wild rice, and a side of mixed veggies and it was absolutely delish.

I’m looking forward to getting to the gym tomorrow and picking up a class schedule. Just like the trainer, I think that the classes will push me to levels that I wouldn't necessarily attempt on my own. I'm a little nervous about looking out of place, but I know that these feelings will pass. I've just got to suck it up and give it all I've got.

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